2025 April\May A Bunch of Amateurs
A Bunch of Amateurs by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman From an original story by John Ross and Jonathan Gershfield …
A Bunch of Amateurs by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman From an original story by John Ross and Jonathan Gershfield …
Jack and the Beanstalk by Ben Crocker Director Liz Pritchard l Producer Tony Magorrian Choreography from Sue Marshall l Musical Direction by Owen Evans Can this be true? (Oh yes it is!/ Oh no it isn’t!) …
Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward "An Improbable farce in three Acts"- Noel Coward Directors Jenni Rushton & Pat Brinicombe When author Charles Condomine and his wife, Ruth, invite 2 friends for dinner they decide to spice up the…
PLAY IN A DAY WORKSHOP Create l Rehearse l Perform Friday 16th February 2024, 10am-5pm (with a Showback to parents at 4pm) £25 per person, aged 10-18. Have you always wanted to perform on a real stage? Do you…
by William Shakespeare Director Tony Parker For their fifth annual production, the Theatre Royal Shakespeare Players are delighted to present A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare’s best-loved comedy. The play opens in the ancient city of Athens, where the ruler, Duke…
By Edward Albee 5th - 9 February 2019 Directed by Brian Young This enduring masterpiece of American drama was first staged in 1962 but its portrayal of a destructive marriage, based on toxic illusions, has lost none of its mesmerising…